ALPHApred |
A neural network based method for predicting alpha-turn in a protein. |
Advanced Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Server. |
Prediction of secondary structure of proteins from their amino acid sequence. |
AR_NHpred |
Identification of aromatic-backbone NH interaction in protein residues. |
BetaTPred |
Statistical-based method for predicting Beta Turns in a protein. |
BetaTPred2 |
Updated statistical-based method for predicting Beta Turns in a protein. |
BetaTPred3 |
Propensity based prediction of beta turns and their types. |
BetaTurns |
Prediction of beta turn types. |
BhairPred |
Prediction of beta hairpins in proteins using ANN and SVM techniques. |
ccPDB 2.0 |
Compilation and Creation of datasets from PDB. |
FiSiPred |
Phi-Psi angle prediction using average angle prediction technique. |
Structural prediction of peptides containing natural, non-natural and modified residues. |
ProClass |
protein structure classification server. |
QASpro |
A webserver for the Quality Assesment of Protein Structure. |
SAPdb |
A database of nanostructure formed by self assembly of short peptide. |
SARpred |
A neural network based method predicts the real value of surface acessibility. |
SATPdb |
A database of structurally annotated therapeutic peptides. |
StarPDB |
A webserver for annotating structure of a protein using simililarity based approach. |
TBBPred |
A webserver for the prediction of transmembrane Beta barrel regions in a given protein sequence. |
A webservice for predicting Tertiary Structure of proteins. |